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Bathroom Remodeling

Have a Budget? Find the option best for you!


$22K-30K (or more)


This luxury package includes;

- All custom Quartz shower walls and countertops

- Custom curb or curbless shower base with seats, niches and shelves

- Rain shower head, body jets rainfall

- Custom vanity, flooding cabinets

- Stand alone bathtub 

Choose This One
white ceramic bathtub near green potted plant
white ceramic sink with mirror



This is the best value for your buck! 

This package includes;

- Prefabricated Quartz or tiled shower walls up to the ceiling

- Prefabricated curb shower base with tiled or solid stone shower floor

- 3 piece shower water fixture, spray handle

- Prefabricated vanity combo, under-mount sink

- Jetted bathtub or oversized

- Shower and bathtub installation

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10K-14K (OR LESS)

Looking for the best deal in a budget?

This package includes;

- Standard prefabricated Quartz shower walls

- Fiberglass or plastic shower pan

- 2 piece shower faucet and handle

- 1 piece vanity with sink, vinyl plank floors

-Standard size fixtures

Choose This One
white ceramic sink near white ceramic sink